Welcome to the Soundtrack to the End of the World blog tour!!  We are joined today by the author of the book, Anthony J. Rapino, as he describes an average day in his life.  Stick around to enter for your chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card!

Soundtrack to the End of the World

 Soundtrack to the End of the World by Anthony J. Rapino

From Goodreads:  A suicidal nudist strolls into traffic. An eccentric Buddhist claims he can occupy other people’s bodies. All the while, whispers of a new form of entertainment blow through town. Prompted by these strange occurrences, Marty Raft, a not-so-gentle giant, investigates and discovers underground clubs peddling music that induces an out-of-body experience. Marty and a wannabe comedian, Corey, set out to prove these special frequencies are nothing more than a hoax, or at worst, a mass-drugging.

Instead, they uncover a secret with world-ending possibilities.

If you can hear the music, it’s already too late.

Author bio

Anthony J. Rapino resides in Northeastern Pennsylvania, somewhere between the concrete of the city and the trees of the forest. On occasion, you’ll find him moderating the feverish battles between the creatures of these two arenas. Whose side he’s on is anyone’s guess.

His newest fiction can be found in Black Ink Horror, On Spec, Arcane Anthology, Electric Spec, A cappella Zoo, Space Squid, TQR Stories, and carved inside a variety of autumn gourds. His short story collection, Welcome to Moon Hill, is currently available, as is his first novel Soundtrack to the End of the World. Proof of his psychosis can be found on his website: http://www.anthonyjrapino.com

I am very proud to announce the launch of my debut novel, Soundtrack to the End of the World, currently available in signed limited hardcover, trade paperback, and ebook editions.

Who knew the end could sound so good.

A Day in the Life

After much clamoring, begging, pleading, and bribing, I am finally giving in and writing an article about a day in the life of a horror writer. Never mind that the aforementioned persuasive measures were mostly performed by me to my mirror. Forget that I was dressed as Conan O’ Brien at the time. Dismiss the eight and a half beers I consumed beforehand.

I shall not disappoint my public (drunk me dressed as Conan)!  I start each day by falling asleep. I used to start each day by waking up, but I grew tired of being just another follower, and I declared I’d never again be one of the herd. After drifting off, I make a pot of coffee, eat breakfast, and get dressed while I shower. True, the coffee tastes a little watered down, and my eggs are a bit soapy, but having sparkling clean clothes every morning is worth the effort.

Dripping wet and caffeinated, I take the local train to my car. Then I take my car back home where I pick up my bike and ride in to work.

Upon arriving at the office, Caroline, the secretary, reminds me I was fired three and a half years ago for coming to work late and wet. I thank her by licking her earlobe, which is the customary farewell in Laketon, a country I made up.

At this point I feel inclined to explain this is not a dream. People are usually confused when I tell them a start each day by falling asleep. The truth is, I’m capable of completing several multifaceted tasks while sleeping, and even remaining conscious of those actions. I’m told this state is called being “awake,” which of course is  impossible because I’m asleep, but I humor my therapist to avoid what he calls “institutionalization.”

I’m pretty sure he means to say, “Winning the Nobel Peace Prize,” but I don’t correct him because he seems to dislike being wrong.

Anyway, back to my day. It’s still early at this point, so I pay Tracy fifty dollars to go jogging for me. As usual she’ll take my money and come back two hours later with a few shopping bags to report the jog went well, and that I lost another two pounds. I thank her with a quick earlobe lap and continue on to my second job. My title there is “parolee in charge of garbage disposal.” It was a hard-won position given to me only after many years of random earlobe licking. The judge was nice enough to refer to me as a person “amazingly detached from reality.” The benefits are amazing, and I even received an upfront two year sabbatical at Greenhaven, a posh and exclusive hotel.

After work I’m bushed, so I usually head home for an early-evening writing session. I then eat dinner while watching five or six horror movies, after which I wake up for bed.

Then it all starts again.

As you can see, I live a pretty average life.

Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!

Collect all twelve game pieces (available from each blog stop during my tour), put the pieces together, and decipher the code. It will lead you to a secret website. If you’re the first person to comment on the site, you win!  

Join us in the Insanity Rocket to discuss the contest.

Stop by the blog tour page for all upcoming dates and more contest info.

Here’s the game piece for this blog…